descriptive text regarding my mother
my mother could be a lovely person. she isn't tall however not short, and she has curly hair and brown. her eyes color are like honey and her color skin color lightweight brown, and she possesses a lovely smile. her weight likes 120 lbs.
she could be a terribly kind person. she is incredibly pretty, friendly, patient, and she loves out to facilitate individuals. i really like my mom, as a result of she could be a sensible example out to me. she loves being within the whole church, and she loves sing and dance too.
she could be a excellent kid, wife and mother. she forever takes care of her family. she likes her house to remain clean and organized. she a really organized person, and all things within the whole house are currently in the proper place. she doesnt like messes.
she forever possesses a smile on her face. she's thus sweet and pretty. i favor when i'm visiting sleep or went i wake up or when i'm visiting move to a few places, she forever offer me a kiss, and the moment the family got a problem she forever be with us out to helps us and to offer us all her love.
my mother could be a lovely person. she isn't tall however not short, and she has curly hair and brown. her eyes color are like honey and her color skin color lightweight brown, and she possesses a lovely smile. her weight likes 120 lbs.
she could be a terribly kind person. she is incredibly pretty, friendly, patient, and she loves out to facilitate individuals. i really like my mom, as a result of she could be a sensible example out to me. she loves being within the whole church, and she loves sing and dance too.
she could be a excellent kid, wife and mother. she forever takes care of her family. she likes her house to remain clean and organized. she a really organized person, and all things within the whole house are currently in the proper place. she doesnt like messes.
she forever possesses a smile on her face. she's thus sweet and pretty. i favor when i'm visiting sleep or went i wake up or when i'm visiting move to a few places, she forever offer me a kiss, and the moment the family got a problem she forever be with us out to helps us and to offer us all her love.
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